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Top Card Cover Pass with Jason England

Control a selected card in the deck - invisibly and undetected.

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33 minutes of detailed instruction by an unrivaled card mechanic: Jason England.

The pass is an age old technique for controlling a selected card to the top of the deck. This newer variation of the pass, originally published in 1900 by Clinton Burgess, keeps the top card or couple of cards on top. It can be burned by your spectators, and they still won't see anything happen.

This is an essential tool in the arsenal of the serious student of card magic.

Jason England, one of the industry's leading card mechanics, guides you through the path of learning and studying the Top Card Cover Pass in 33 minutes of unrivaled, detailed instruction.

Learn the move quickly, and avoid pitfalls and common errors along the way. There is no better way to start or complement your study of the Top Card Cover Pass than this.

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