Bee Titanium Edition

Special Edition Series

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The original Bee Back design, with unique metallic inks and a more durable, professional-grade coating.

A timeless, classic design - masterfully updated. We are now proud to offer the first ever METALLIC deck of Bee® playing cards.

Your favorite cards, fully optimized and transformed into something you have never seen before. Bee playing cards have been the industry standard for over a century. The most popular deck used in casinos in Las Vegas to Macau, Bee cards are internationally respected as a perfect mix of form and function.

The Bee Titanium Edition is a special edition series based on the traditional casino back design. It was our intention to remain as faithful as possible to original Bee cards while using a proprietary blend of metallic inks.

The back design, the box, and even the court cards utilize metallic inks that radiate light in a subtle, elegant manner. The box has metallic foil on five sides, showcasing the original Bee Back design that you know and love.

Available in two colors - Steel Blue and Crimson Red - the Bee Titanium Edition playing cards were printed at the United States Playing Card Company using the finest quality stock and finish. They feel smooth - not too rigid - right out of the box.

The Bee Titanium Edition is simple, with a timeless design you already love. In stock and available now in limited quantities.

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