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Cardistry 101

Andrei Jikh

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With instruction on the Charlier Cut, the Thumb Cut, the Thumb Fan, and the One Handed Fan by Andrei Jikh in Las Vegas.

Cardistry 101 provides you with the groundwork to begin your study of cardistry. Before you dig in, you need to know the basics. This video will teach you those basics - step by step.

What is cardistry? Cardistry is the non-magical manipulation of playing cards to display skill, creativity, and performance art.

Within this video, Andrei Jikh will lead you step by step through four fundamental moves: the Charlier Cut, the Thumb Cut, the Thumb Fan, and the One Handed Fan.

Want to know MORE? Check out GENESIS v1 by Andrei Jikh with 3.5 hours of cardistry instruction.

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