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Click Change


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Originally taught on Dan and Dave's acclaimed anthology on card magic, learn it now on it's own in rich detail. A unique variation on the classic Snap Change.

Imagine taking a single playing card - then instantly and visually changing it with just a flick of your finger. The Click Change is a minor variation on a timeless classic by legendary magician Ed Marlo.

The same stunning color change - with more style and less angle sensitivity.

The Click Change has quickly become a popular sleight-of-hand move among magicians and cardists alike. It represents the visual moments in magic that your audience swears are trick photography.

Learn the in's and out's of the sexy smooth and squeeky clean color change originally featured on Dan and Dave's bestselling four DVD set - The Trilogy - taught in the Bucks' signature style.

"More angle proof than the original - very easy." - remy, theory11 forums

Want to know MORE? Listen to our latest roundtable discussion podcast with Dan and Dave Buck.

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