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Daniel Garcia + Marcus Eddie

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A collaborative collection of FIVE practical effects from Marcus Eddie and Daniel Garcia.

FIVE features five original tricks from creators Daniel Garcia and Marcus Eddie - utilizing everything from rubberbands to Tic Tacs to playing cards - taught in complete detail with multiple REAL performances filmed on the streets of Las Vegas, NV.

In addition, the DVD also features an exclusive one-on-one interview session with Daniel and Marcus discussing everything from their unique creative processes, to being original and developing your magic. FIVE is more than the magic - it's a lesson in creativity.

FIVE was designed not only to provide you with five visual effects that you will use in each performance, but also to promote creative evolution and advancement.

The Contents of FIVE - A Look Inside The DVD

FRESH SCENT - Marcus Eddie - A coin is borrowed and held at the fingertips - as it visually penetrates a solid, closed Tic Tac container. Included is a version that can be performed completely impromptu with no setup. Taught in full detail with street performances.

MINT CONDITION - Daniel Garcia - A concept that enables you to accurately predict the number of Tic Tac's a spectator pours into their closed hand... while in another room. Daniel also provides you with additional insight and ideas - and teaches a bonus effect that utilizes the same concept.

RAW LINKAGE - Marcus Eddie - One rubberband visually penetrates another linking them together - then is pulled back through in the fairest manner imaginable. All can be handed out for complete examination. Includes performances shot on the streets of Las Vegas.

DALEY'S REVENGE - Daniel Garcia - A card effect wherein the two red tens visually change places with the black tens twice - ending with a smooth final production of all four cards. Fast and visual, Daley's Revenge is card magic at its finest.

STAIRWAY - Marcus Eddie - A borrowed bill is folded over the bottom of two rubberbands being held at the fingertips - and paperclipped to ensure security. One by one the bill travels up each band, even while the bottom of the bill is being pinched by a spectator. For the finale, the bill travels all the way down the bands visually and slowly, ending where it started. Includes live performances + tips and ideas from Marcus on making the routine as effective as possible.

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