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Dan and Dave Buck have come up with yet another visual masterpiece. Originally taught on The Trilogy - learn it now in full detail completely on its own.

The top and bottom cards of the deck are shown. With just a snap, the cards instantly and visually change places. Just when you think the effect is done and without warning - they switch again.

NO setup. NO duplicate cards. NO trick decks. Just pure sleight of hand.

HEDBERG's PEAK is a powerful card trick that - with a fair amount of practice and presentation - can be performed at a moment's notice. Complete with a surprise ending that they'll never see coming.

Dave Buck explains every nuance needed to perfect this simple and direct magic trick in nearly five minutes of concise, high definition instruction filmed in Los Angeles, California.

Want to know MORE? Listen to our latest roundtable discussion podcast with Dan and Dave Buck discussing the art of magic, cardistry, and everything in between.

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