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Together, today, united, we Rebel. Let the games begin.

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Designed by StudioNumberONE in Los Angeles. An epic tribute to modern street art.

Designed by StudioNumberONE, an iconic design studio founded by Shepard Fairey in the heart of Los Angeles. Produced by theory11. Made in the USA.

REBELS are premium, high-end playing cards inspired by modern street art. They are extremely durable, with casino quality paper and Q1 quality standards.

Rebel Playing Cards feature a custom-designed box, back design, Ace of Spades, and Joker. The back design proudly features the United States Capitol Building, a timeless symbol of our nation's united spirit of independence. For the first time in 50 years, Rebels feature a die-cut, tax-stamp seal with frayed edges.

Across the card backs, the Latin phrase "Et Lux In Tenebris Lucet" surrounded the circular emblem. Light shines in the darkness. Together, today, united, we Rebel.

Rebels Playing Cards are an ode to those that inspire us - the creative minds, the independent spirits. Those who boldly take the road less traveled.

Mysterious, intricate design surrounds the deck inside and out. Rebels are Made in the USA on FSC-Certified Paper derived from sustainable forests, using vegetable-based inks and starch-based laminates.

Printed at The United States Playing Card Company on casino quality, premium card stock for unrivaled durability. In stock now!

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