"The most unique, striking color change I have EVER seen..." - Stephen Adler, Michigan
Kelvin Chow makes his theory11 debut with REVOLVER. In the motion of a guided spin, one playing card visually changes into another... then another, and another, and another - completely under your control.
The card never stops moving, and the motion is precise, smooth, and natural. Taught in 33 minutes of detailed instruction by Andrei Jikh. Learn everything you need to know to perform it well.
An advanced move - although more than worth the practice time it requires. A shocking, fluid, and unique color change. REVOLVER is unique - and has received universal critical acclaim.
Don't just take our word for it - read the reviews. 10 reviews were posted for REVOLVER in the first 24 hours since its release - and every single one has been glowing. Learn it now!